Lt. Gov. McNally Announces Committee Appointments for the 111th General Assembly

Lt. Gov. and Speaker of the Senate Randy McNally (R-TN-05) on Thursday announced state Senate committee assignments for the 111th General Assembly.

McNally praised his fellow members in announcing the assignments in a press release.

“This Senate is made up of some of the smartest and strongest leaders with whom I have had the privilege to serve,” he said. “Each of our Senators could serve on any number of our committees and do well. I am grateful to have such a strong membership. I am confident we have assembled the best team to do the people’s business.”

McNally was re-elected to his second term as Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the Senate on Tuesday.

Former Commerce and Labor Chairman Sen. Jack Johnson (R-TN-23) and former State and Local Chairman Sen. Ken Yager (R-TN-12) were elected Senate Majority Leader and Senate Republican Caucus Chairman respectively, leaving two committee chair vacancies. The resulting changes will elevate two Senators to chairman and give five committees new chairmen.

McNally also re-appointed Sen. Ferrell Haile (R-TN-18) as the Speaker Pro Tempore and Sen. Janice Bowling (R-TN-16) as Deputy Speaker.

The committee chairs are listed below, along with statements by McNally on each. A PDF in this story also lists members of each committee.

(INSERT 111th Senate Committee Assignments pdf)

Commerce and Labor Committee Chairman Sen. Paul Bailey (R-TN-15)

“Paul Bailey is a business owner and a conservative. He intimately understands the needs of entrepreneurs and employers as well as workers and wage earners. He served with distinction as Transportation and Safety Committee chairman. I am confident he will do the same at Commerce. I am proud to appoint him.”

Education Committee Chairman Sen. Dolores Gresham (R-TN-26)

“Tennessee’s road to most improved status in education was a tough fight. That fight was led by a colonel. Dolores Gresham has been at the forefront of education reform in this state. She is an experienced legislator and a strong conservative. Her record speaks for itself. I was proud to reappoint her.”

Energy, Agriculture and Natural Resources Chairman Sen. Steve Southerland (R-TN-01)

“Steve Southerland has been an exemplary chairman. He understands the subject matter and provides excellent leadership for the committee and staff. I look forward to his continued good work.”

Finance Ways and Means Committee Chairman Sen. Bo Watson (R-TN-11)

“Tennessee’s outstanding fiscal health is not a matter of luck. It is the work of dedicated public servants making smart and tough decisions. Bo Watson is one of the most critical of those servants. Bo’s hard work has kept Tennessee’s fiscal house in order. It will remain in order as long as Bo Watson is the chairman. I am proud to reappoint him.”

Government Operations Committee Chairman Sen. Kerry Roberts (R-TN-25)

“Kerry Roberts is a strong conservative leader. He is committed to keeping government small, efficient and accountable. Under his leadership, the Government Operations Committee will continue to provide the essential legislative oversight Tennesseans demand. He will be a great chairman.”

Health and Welfare Committee Chairman Sen. Rusty Crowe (R-TN-03)

“Rusty Crowe’s leadership of the Health and Welfare Committee has been outstanding. Rusty’s steady hand and experience will continue to keep the committee on course. I appreciate his service and am grateful for his strong leadership.”

Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Mike Bell (R-TN-09)

“Mike Bell’s commitment to judicial accountability and the rule of law is well-known and well-established. His leadership on the Government Operations Committee set new standards for excellence. I am confident he will do the same with the Judiciary Committee. A conservative leader with unquestioned integrity, I know he will be an outstanding chairman of Judiciary.”

State and Local Government Chairman Sen. Steve Dickerson (R-TN-20)

“Steve Dickerson has represented Davidson County with great distinction in the Senate. His leadership over the Investigations and Oversight subcommittee has brought increased accountability and transparency to state government. He is a dedicated legislator who always honors his commitment to do what’s right. I believe he will make an outstanding State and Local Committee Chairman. I was proud to appoint him.”

Transportation and Safety Chairman Sen. Becky Massey (R-TN-06)

“Becky Massey is a compassionate legislator dedicated to representing her constituents. She understands the importance of transportation to our economy and is dedicated to keeping Tennessee citizens safe. Her talents and abilities are perfect for this committee. I know she will do well.”

Calendar Committee Chairman Sen. Ed Jackson (R-TN-27)

“Ed Jackson is a critical member of our Senate team. He has served his constituents well and made a strong impact on the Senate. He is a respected servant leader. I am grateful he will be serving as our Calendar Committee Chair.”

Ethics Committee Chairman Sen. Richard Briggs (R-TN-07)

“A senator of unquestioned integrity, Richard Briggs is the obvious choice for Chairman of Ethics. I know he will continue to do an outstanding job.”

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”111th Senate Committee Assignments”]

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.
Photo “Ferrell Haile” by Ferrell Haile. 
Photo “Mike Bell” by Mike Bell.
Photo “Kerry Roberts” by Kerry Roberts. 










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